Friday, November 20, 2009

Sarah Palin = Herpes

Just when you think she's gone, BAM! There she is.

Sarah Palin, the nincompoop we've all come to love to hate. Once again, her mouth has gotten the best of her, and I'm sure some ridiculous excuse for the flub will soon follow.

This past Wednesday, Sarah Palin was a guest on Fox News, talking about Iran. When giving her expert opinion on what should be done to ensure Iran doesn't nuke Israel, she proceeded to talk about President Ahmadinejad and...Iraq. They do border on the map, so maybe that's why she confused the two. Must be, since Iran and Iraq share nothing more than the three matching letters in their name. Sarah Palin is an easy target for my question, but how do we control (or attempt to control) cultural insensitivity in the media? How do we educate the public, and do away with unfounded cultural stereotypes that do nothing but tarnish a country's reputation? How do we correct people when they use incorrect terms like "America" or "latino"? If the US prides itself on having one of the most influential and open-forum media on the planet, how are we not more careful to correctly inform our public? When a guest like Sarah Palin goes uncorrected on the air, how can a network pride itself on bringing the most accurate information to its audience?

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