Monday, November 23, 2009

Like her or not, Newsweek was wrong to Run Palin Photo

Newsweek should not have run the photo of Sarah Palin wearing shorts on the cover of their magazine. While the photo was completely appropriate for a Runner's World story, it was completely inappropriate in the context of a story for a news magazine. Combined with the headline "How do you solve a problem like Sarah," the package was obviously placed to make Palin look idiotic and to sell magazines. As for the argument that Palin should have known better since she posed for the photographs, what abut the argument that news outlets should act responsibly?
Unfortunately when a formerly reputable magazine like Newsweek continues to take the low road, they bring down the rest of the media too. The buzz becomes, "the media has no scruples, rather than Newsweek has no scruples". Sadly, this is yet another example of Newsweek continuing to cross the line from serious journalism into the entertainment world. Furthermore, the photo was sexist and plays into the divisiveness of politics displayed in the media. Where are the photos of male democrats running in skimpy shorts?

1 comment:

Andrew Carpenter said...

Let's say Palin may not be as much of an uncouth country bumpkin as she appears. But maybe she's not so worldly, either. Because, she hired media advisors that failed to have her sign a tighter more specific release with Runners World and the photographer who worked the Palin modeling shoot.

Also, didn't you wonder whose idea the (control top) pantyhose were? In all the other Runner's World fotos she's bare legged.

Wonder whose idea it was to put her hands on her waist to push it in, make her look more slender?

Wonder whose idea was the come hither to flexed knee?

Sarah's... that's who. These are standard tricks in the arsenal of any (former) beauty-pageant queen.

Palin has been sexist her whole life, using her body and looks to get ahead. Also, if the photo is sexist in Newsweek, it's sexist in Runner's World. It's not either or.

But, in truth, the Newsweek cover might be genderism, it might be provocative, but it's not sexist.

As to where are the Dems?

Though I'd never admit my opponent is smarter than me, the GOP always sniffs about how Democrats are nothing but a bunch of intellectual elitists. So, it might be argued that the Dem's additional brainpower keeps them from engaging such cotton-candy pursuits as posing for Runner's World.