Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Networks Needs a Reality Check!

If the viewing, listening, reading or surfing public thinks the mass media cannot be trusted, then it is high time they (the media) get their acts together. Perhaps this perception begun as a result of the news not being presented as it should be – in an unbiased and objective manner. This means that the mass media basically all belong to the profession of journalism wherein their main goal is to provide the information to the public at large. In doing so, this means that the news should be presented “as is” and unblemished. The moment the news reader or reporter suddenly incorporates his or her own opinion that stops being the news but a talk show that discusses ideas opinions and concerns.

The article itself is a case in point when the initial paragraph stated: “There are lots of reasons fewer people are watching network news, and one of them, I'm more convinced than ever, is that our viewers simply don't trust us. And for good reason. (Goldberg, 2002)” This may even be applicable to the Internet news now when people would stop surfing the Internet news because they are already feeling some of the biases of the reporters and even the media giants. Whatever take the media has, it is up to them to get their acts together and start ”bringing the news as it is” and not how they want it to be to present something sensational or increase subscription. Most profession have their code of ethics that dictates how the professional should conduct himself or herself. For sure, the journalists and reporters have their set of ethos and it important for them to start heeding the words of their code so the trust of the public will be regained.

Goldberg, B. (2002) Networks need a reality check. The Wall Street Journal [Internet] January 2. Available from: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2009].

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