As we've all been informed, there was a mass shooting at a military base in Texas yesterday afternoon. We've learned this morning the name of the shooter, and that he was in fact a Major, and has been in the Army since 1995. And his name is Nidal Malik Hassan. As I'm reading the news on my iPhone, still in bed this morning, I realize I'm going to need a lot more than tea to get my blood pressure under control today. The article prefaces itself by accounting the "no religious preference" the Major has listed on his official paperwork, and that he was born and raised in the US. Two paragraphs later they are interviewing Muslim organizations in the US and claiming Hassan yelled the "Allahu Akbar" phrase (which this country has somehow agreed to associate with terrorists) while on his shooting rampage. I find it incredibly insulting, but not surprising, to see that this country and its media have yet to move past the stereotype that Arab=Muslim=terrorist. There is no one at fault here other than the journalists' for promoting this ridiculous idea even further. Simply because the man has an Arabic and Muslim name does not mean he is Muslim, and most definitely does not present a plausible defense for his actions. When the press felt a need to mention his lack of a religious preference, they should have left it at that. Whether the assailant is Muslim or not should have no place in the context of this tragedy. Being Muslim does not motivate people to kill, in this or any other country. Terrorists from all walks of life, for centuries, have cloaked their missions in religion, but it is their person that commits these acts and not their religion. Journalists who insinuate otherwise are the cancer that is preventing this country's prejudices from healing.
1 comment:
Danielle, you' re dead on. And, good for you for having the courage to point this out.
It's amazing that most journalists refer to Caucasian violent militia member Timothy McViegh as the Oklahoma City bomber and not as a terrorist who blew a US federal building to smithereens... there's not much about him attacking America's way of life... or hating America... or even killing 168 people. He's never referred to as a Christian terrorist (the devout say that's correct because he had lost his way). The country never gets all misty-eyed over 4/19. And, McViegh's terrorism didn't lead us to sign God Bless America at every Major League Baseball game. In fact, when he's remembered at all it's as if McVrigh is a run-of -the-mill murderer and not killer terrorist.
But, whoa, it's nearly impossible to be a straightforward whacko Muslim... or even a cliched everyday street-gang-shooter loco Muslim... or a stressed out Muslim who didn't want to kill other Muslims no matter the terms of his contract.
Though Americans slaughter each other by the thousands each year - nearly 16,000 dead over drugs, drug turf, gang turf, jealously, alcohol, greed, just plain craziness and because a gun was handy - Muslims, it seems, are depicted as the only Americans who kill for a cause.
I think that means one thing... it's time to bring back Zeus... let the king of Gods straighten this shit out.
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